All posts by Sarah Wild


Support offer

Volontariat is generally understood to mean a voluntary, temporary assignment in an institution or organisation. In the specific sense, this term also refers to an education which, in contrast to teaching, is not precisely regulated by law. This is mainly used in the charitable and commercial sectors, in public administration and for vocational preparation or further training. In journalism, on the other hand, trainees are generally referred to as volunteers. It takes between twelve and 24 months, depending on previous training and/or aptitude.

Who can access this offer?


Further information/useful links

Voluntary Social Year

Support offer

The Voluntary Social Year (Freiwilliges soziales Jahr – abbreviated as FSJ) is a voluntary service in social areas.

The sponsors who offer the Voluntary Social Year are usually active on a supra-regional basis. They have entered into cooperation agreements with a wide range of different organisations. By “placement” one understands the concrete position at which the FSJler, the volunteer, performs the voluntary service.

The financial compensation is often referred to as pocket money. This income is supplemented by meals, accommodation and travel expenses. The amount of the pocket money varies from institution to institution.

FSJ members receive pedagogical support. This is made available by the executing agency. The pedagogical support includes on the one hand an individual support of the participants, on the other hand also seminars. An introductory seminar, an intermediate seminar and a final seminar take place. These seminars last at least five days. If the FSJ lasts 12 months, the total duration of the seminars must be at least 25 days.

Depending on the field of application and the sponsor, the FSJ members additionally receive any necessary training or advanced training.

Who can access this offer?

Young people and young adults in Germany who have already completed full-time compulsory schooling and have not yet reached the age of 27, i.e. have not yet celebrated their 27th birthday.

Further information/useful links


Support offer

Internships offer the chance to gain first experiences in professional work. Usually trainee or interns receive no or only a small payment.

The core idea is, to built first professional contacts and above all to offer the possibility to “get a feeling” for a professional areas, to gain experience and to create a perspective on a professional career. In addition, this also offers possible job opportunities.

Who can access this offer?

Everyone – there is a need to apply for internships with enterprises.

Further information/useful links

Private educational institutions

Support offer

Offers that follow the principle of the school concept but work without a state-approved degrees can be found at various private educational institutions (in the broadest sense). These include, for example, offers by the VHS (Volkshochschule), by the foundation Grone School or Haufe academy.

The offer includes a broad spectrum of training, further education and further education measures. From the acquisition of knowledge and skills at a basic level (basic knowledge) to courses on personal development and specific specialist knowledge, everything is made possible in various courses and offerings.

The majority of the courses are offered in different formats (face-to-face, e-learning or as blended learning).

Who can access this offer?


Further information/useful links

Grone School:
Haufe Academy:

Evening School

Support offer

Evening schools aim at catching up on a school-leaving certificate or at achieving a higher qualification. In order to change or improve your professional situation, you have the opportunity to gain additional or further qualifications after work at an evening school.

The evening school is aimed above all at people who would like to continue their education in addition to their profession. In addition to catching up on a school-leaving certificate, the evening school also offers refresher courses and further education.

Evening schools are mainly offered by the German Volkshochschule.

Who can access this offer?


Further information/useful links

All offers of German evening school programs


Training databases

Support offer

In the course of digitisation, the option of further education and/or training through a platform is also possible. The offer and the number of these continuing education databases amount to more than 200 of these databases in Germany. These platforms are operated both by the public sector and by private providers.

The density of offers for further training, retraining and school-leaving qualifications is high. From a course for personal presentation to a higher school leaving certificate to certified further training or retraining, the choice is almost unlimited. However, the costs for many courses are high. Whether and to what extent individual courses are specially promoted or supported depends on the situation of the individual.

State providers (as an example):

  • Bildungsmarkt Sachsen
  • Hamburger Kursportal WISY
  • WIS – Das Weiterbildungs-Informations- System

Who can access this offer?


Further information/useful links

Test and comparison of databases

Private educational institutions

Support offer

The offer for further education and training is provided by a large number of companies (state-supported and/or privately financed).
The educational offer is extensive and includes both school and vocational qualifications as well as further and continuing education and retraining.

Examples of offerers:

  • VHS – Volkshochschule
  • IBB – Institut für Berufliche Bildung AG

The range of offers provided by companies and schools is large. The program of the individual courses covers various fields such as:

  • Work – Profession (training courses, qualifications, further training by topic),
  • Health (from consciousness creation to continuing education),
  • Language,
  • Culture – Designing,
  • Politics – Society – Environment (training, further education),
  • School degrees,
  • Basic education (literacy, computers, everyday skills, vocational orientation).

All areas are accessible to everyone, but in order to simplify the process they are simplified for the “user” by prior individual counselling.

Who can access this offer?


Further information/useful links