Voluntary Social Year

Support offer

The Voluntary Social Year (Freiwilliges soziales Jahr – abbreviated as FSJ) is a voluntary service in social areas.

The sponsors who offer the Voluntary Social Year are usually active on a supra-regional basis. They have entered into cooperation agreements with a wide range of different organisations. By “placement” one understands the concrete position at which the FSJler, the volunteer, performs the voluntary service.

The financial compensation is often referred to as pocket money. This income is supplemented by meals, accommodation and travel expenses. The amount of the pocket money varies from institution to institution.

FSJ members receive pedagogical support. This is made available by the executing agency. The pedagogical support includes on the one hand an individual support of the participants, on the other hand also seminars. An introductory seminar, an intermediate seminar and a final seminar take place. These seminars last at least five days. If the FSJ lasts 12 months, the total duration of the seminars must be at least 25 days.

Depending on the field of application and the sponsor, the FSJ members additionally receive any necessary training or advanced training.

Who can access this offer?

Young people and young adults in Germany who have already completed full-time compulsory schooling and have not yet reached the age of 27, i.e. have not yet celebrated their 27th birthday.

Further information/useful links

Portal: http://m.einjahrfreiwillig.de/